Saturday, October 04, 2008

"Do you, Sasquatch, take this unicorn..."

I, like so many Americans, tuned into the Vice-Presidential debate Thursday night soley to see if Palin was gonna crash and burn like she did in those "I-can't-believe-this-woman-is-actually-running-for-Vice-motherfuckin-President" Katie Couric interview clips I saw during the week. Anyway, at one point gay marriage came up. Not surprisingly, Palin said she wasn't down with it. Then Biden said he also was not down with it. Really? That caught me off guard - I thought the Democrats were pro gay marriage. I can't believe how absolutely fucking terrified people in this country are by gay marriage? If two people love each other enough to want to pledge all that "death do us part" crap to each other, isn't that kinda awesome, regardless of pretty much everything else? It was at that moment, when Biden said that, that I realized the real issue behind the gay marriage thing: the average person is scared shitless of gay people. "Ya know Mabel, the other day I was walking down the block and I saw a gay walking toward me - I ran inside and locked the door. Whew!" People are so fucking scared and confused by them that a gay wedding might as well be a marriage between Sasquatch and a unicorn.

"Sasquatch, you complete me"

"arggh uuuhhhttt ptew"