Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Please refrain from all cussing and cussing-related activity por favor

Dear Source Magazine: Have you heard this new rapper who's just tearing up the underground club scene? Off the hizzle...

#1 sign it's a great rap song: the rhyming of "new sensation" and "across the nation". How do they think of this stuff. They're wordsmiths I tell you, wordsmiths!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A historic day...

I'm gonna be telling my grandkids about today. When I saw Biden stand up and take that oath, I got a lump in my throat. Chills up my spine. It's a dawn of a brand new day. I think that, despite our differences, Americans of all shapes and size, colors and creeds, had a sense of unity today - unified in the thought, "With Joe Biden as our Vice President, there is nothing that is not possible." God Bless America.

"You're Goddamn right I swear"