Thursday, January 10, 2008

Evel Kneivel dies, hearse jumps 21 buses on way to cemetery

So Evel Knievel died last month. Which sucks. There just isn't going to be another guy like him. He used to crash all the time on live fuckin' TV, man - it was awesome! (I specifically remember watching his legendary wipeout when he tried to jump a tank of sharks and he crash at full speed into a baracade and a cameraman. I was about 6 years old and it was the coolest thing that I could've possibly seen). However, while I remember him like this:

(notice the kick-ass cape)

Or, on a more daily basis, in this form:

(this wind-up motorcycle toy is hands-down the coolest toy I've ever had the pleasure of playing with - and its indestructibilty was nothing short of amazing)

But at the end, Evel was doing shit like this:

(C'mon, he's not even wearing a cape! What bullshit!)
RIP Evel Kneivel (1938 - 2007)

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